Sri Ashtavakra says: Give up
the enemies, desires and money, the primary cause of many misfortunes.
Rejecting these two will lead to righteousness and thus be indifferent to
everything. 1
Look at friends, land,
money, wife and other properties as a dream in Maya to be destroyed in three to
five days. 2
Wherever there is
attachment, there is world! Applying this mature non-attachment be free of
desires and attain happiness. 3
Desires alone are the
bondage for Self. Extinguishing desires is called liberation. Non-attachment to
worldly things can only lead to continuous bliss. 4
You are one (without a
second), conscious and pure and this world is non-conscious and illusory. You
don't have a trace of ignorance and desire to know. 5
In past lives, many times
your kingdoms, children, wives, bodies and comforts have destroyed despite of
your attachment to them. 6
Any amount of wealth,
desires and good deeds will not result in peace from this world of illusion. 7
In how many lives have you
not taken pain in performing various activities with body, mind and speech. Now
be non-attached to them. 8