Thirteenth Chapter

Sri Janaka says: The inherent quality of having nothing is hard to attain, even with just a loincloth. Hence I exist in pleasure at all times abandoning both the feelings of renunciation and acquisition. 1

Actually, there exist no pain due to body, no pain due to speech, no pain due to mind. Abandoning all the efforts, I exist pleasantly in all situations. 2

No action is ever committed, in reality. Understanding thus I exist pleasantly in all situations by just doing what is to be done. 3

Yogis, attached with their bodies think in terms of doing or avoiding certain actions. This causes bondage. But I exist pleasantly in all situations abandoning the feelings of attachment and detachment. 4

I, actually, concur no benefit or loss while taking rest, moving, sleeping, sitting, walking or dreaming. Hence I exist pleasantly in all situations. 5

I lose nothing by sleeping and gain nothing by action or inaction. Hence I exist pleasantly in all situations abandoning the feelings of joy and sorrow. 6

I understand by experience that pleasure and pain come and go again and again. Hence I exist pleasantly in all situations abandoning the feelings of auspicious (good) and inauspicious (bad). 7